Market Research –Domestic & International


Business consulting is impossible without deep market research. It is also required for drawing up an improvement plan that will make a positive impact on your business.

Sales Analysis & Pricing Analysis


Sales & pricing analysis are important elements of modern business consulting. They give you information on the latest sales trends and the possible ways of their improvement.

Direct Mail & Mass Marketing


These up-to-date methods of marketing can ease the promotion of your leading products and open new market niches for your new ideas and concepts.

Product Analysis including Price Analysis


Alongside with deep analysis of your company, we also offer pricing analysis – a part of business consulting that can help you understand what must be changed in your pricing strategy.



Creating a web site for the business company


Our company can also help you create your own web site for your business. In connection with the departure of consumers to the Internet, having own representation in the network has become a mandatory item in the «must have» list for business representatives. Once you have accessed this page, you probably thought about expanding your business outside offline. And it's the right decision!

Internet marketing strategy for your company


Today there are many online channels you can use to attract thousands of visitors to the site, increase the conversion of web design, and regularly develop business on the Internet. But in order to use online marketing tools as efficiently as possible, and not to spend your budget, you need to create a strategy for internet marketing.


Expert Business Plans


For those companies who require specific approach to improvement of their business activity, we are always ready to provide detailed business plans that include specific information on sales and product promotion.

International Expansion Advice


Buzz consists of various departments. One of them is designed to help international businesses whose main goal is to offer services of high quality around the world in many countries.

Franchise Assessment


Another prospective department that our company has recently opened is connected with franchise assessment. Our experts on franchise development will advise you on how you should start and promote your franchised products.